
I'm too lazy to add another song today... as well as too lazy to discuss what all the previous songs mean to me. Maybe later today. Or perhaps tomorrow xD

3 voice(s):

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Haha I love the simplicity of this post. I definitely know that lazy feeling, I've been slacking off with my blog posts this week =p shh don't tell

  1. Moe' Suckra said...:

    Yes :D. Well... I was trying to honor my little self goal thing of posting more frequently, constantly. Figured a lazy post was still a post xD.

    Don't worry either. Your secret's safe with me. Nothing to... panic... about :O *badum tshh!*

    I know... I'll go sit in a corner -___-

  1. Zivha said...:

    Lol!!! you silly!!! You make me smile today, this is the second time in 15 minutes that I have to smile cause of your accidental goofyness xD

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