Song Month...

Figured I'd do something "speshul", yes I know it's spelled special... for April. Among all the normal posts I'll hopefully be making, I want to make it a point to randomly share the lyrics to songs that mean something to me. So if you see random posts with random lyrics, that's what it will be. I'd say one song a day... but I'm probably not gonna be that dedicated... or... I'm probably not that not lazy... if that makes sense. Anyway... starting in April... look back for songs that have special meaning to me. That is all...


2 voice(s):

  1. Zivha said...:

    I think I know what song you're gonna start with, bird. >_>

  1. Moe' Suckra said...:

    no xD they gotta be super special to start off the month xD

    Tho that song might make it in D;

    although the lyrics aren't very many...

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